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- Apartment Room
- Read 5722 times
One Bedroom Suite (76 Sqm.)
One Bedroom suite (76 Sqm.)
This unit is spacious and tastefully decorated with a full kitchen and a separate bedroom that will give you all the comfort of home for your extended stay.
- Individually controlled air-conditioning system
- Cable TV - Refrigerator
- Microwave oven
- Electric water kettle
- Silverware & dishes
1ベッドルーム スイート (76平方メートル)
サービスアパートメント ルームアメニティ
- 個別制御空調システム
- ケーブルテレビ - 冷蔵庫
- 電子レンジ
- 電気ケトル
- 銀器と食器
Price : (monthly rate)
Baht 25,000 22,000
(Rates excluding 7%VAT)
For corporate, please contact Ms. Rin for special rate via email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 法人の場合、特別料金についてはメールでお問い合わせください : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.